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Directly book your next session

Want to book your next session directly? This button will take you through to our scheduling platform!

Request additional/new tutor match

Looking to pick up a new subject? We can match you with a new tutor.


Frequently asked questions

How to cancel/reschedule a session

Did you know you can cancel or reschedule a session up to 48 hours beforehand, free of charge? That’s all part of our goal of truly flexible tutoring.

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Step 1: Check your appointment confirmation email from scheduling@acuityscheduling.com.

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Step 2: Scroll to the bottom of the email and choose Change/Cancel Appointment.

Step 3: Follow all Acuity’s instructions to Change/Cancel your session. If you cancel your session 48 hours prior any session package hours will be credited back automatically.

There’s been a technical issue/a tutor no-show. What do a I do?

We’re sorry to hear that! In the rare even that this happens, if you could please contact us as soon as practicable we’ll try to get to root of the problem. If there are any technical problem on the fault of IB Hub or tutor no-show we’ll reschedule the session and return any package hour to your account automatically.

Can I pick up a tutor in another subject for a session or two?

Absolutely! We’re lucky to have a great team of tutors in most major IB subjects. If you click here we’ll take you to our additional/new tutor match link.

I’d love to refer a friend, how can I do that?

We're always excited when our students refer their friends and family! We’re offering both you and your friends $150 credit each to spend on IB Hub tutoring when you use your referral code. How cool is that!

Refer a friend. Get $150 credit each.*

As an existing student, we’d love you to spread the love (and get rewarded.)


*Credit only redeemable on multi-session packages and is non-transferrable. Only redeemable on future purchases. Offer subject to change without notice.